thailand · travel

Tiffany Goes to Thailand

imageI decided that I should take an epic international trip to celebrate turning the big 30. Although I was never interested in traveling to Asia, my interest piqued because I kept hearing about Thailand.  People said Thailand was a wonderful vacation destination due to its night life, inexpensive flights, beaches, animals and great places to eat. Therefore it was decided that I would be celebrating my 30th Birthday in Thailand.#Tiffanygoestothailand

While walking through the Fresh Food Market in  Bangkok, a young lady tapped me on my arm. I immediately turned around to see who had touched me. The lady then pointed to her older mother who stated “She thinks your cute”. I smiled thinking wow, she thinks that of me. I was surprised that she was complimenting me because it appears as if Thailand beauty of standard of does not include larger frames. Many of the Thai people have a small frames.IMG_2006 (1) As a result, I was especially surprised when I met the sea Gyspy people who had a much larger frame (they are a very small population in Thailand). One of the ladies told me we could be relatives. I laughed and was very excited to see people who looked like me. I wish we were related as these people are known to be some of the happiest people in Thailand due to living by the sea and their modest life style.


I decided to wear a two piece swim suit while in Maya Bay in the city of Phuket.  After changing into my bikini I felt a little self conscious because I was plus size women in a city where majority of the women are small in size. My thoughts of self doubt went away when I looked at the beautiful scenery around me.  I was on a beach with pretty blue water. The water was so clear, I could see fishes swimming around me.


After returning from Thailand, I posted the photo of my bikini picture on my personal Facebook page with the caption “I may not beach body ready according to most, but who cares what other thinks” book and received 280 likes and then in the Nomadness Tribe FB page I received 740 likes with about a 50-80 comments.  Some people mistook the quote and thought I didn’t think I was beach body ready but I was trying to state that I KNOW I’m beach body ready but others in SOCIETY may not think so.  I was overwhelmed with the positive response. But I must wonder how I would be received on a social media site that was not my own. The internet can be a cruel place, especially when it comes to body shaming. Well I guess I won’t know, I’ll just relish in the positive comments I received.

IMG_2064“I may not be beach body ready, but who cares what others think”

Plus size women (not all but some) often limit themselves when it comes to achieving goals. Goals may be related to careers, relationships, and traveling among many other things. Despite my size, I have not allowed anything to stop from accomplishing my dreams, especially traveling. I believe traveling exposes you to  other cultures, food and people in a way that a book, movie or the internet can explain or begin or describe.

Pick a destination and go! Be Adventurous, Be Bold, Be you!


57 thoughts on “Tiffany Goes to Thailand

  1. Great post Tiffany! I’m getting ready to launch my blog as well and have an amazing trip to New Zealand planned for August 2016. Thailand is definitely on my list so I may hit you up for some hints and travel trips! Wishing you all the best!

    Aubrey @


  2. Thanks for the insight Tiffany! Many full-figured woman, as myself, think about how we will be received on a beautiful beach in foreign countries wearing a cute little swim suit. It’s refreshing to know that in Thailand, we would be not only welcomed as guests but practically part of a family. I’m glad you had a great time and look forward to reading more about your experiences.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for reading, I appreciate your feed back on the article. Yes, we all must experience a piece of the world, what better place to be bold and fearless. Please follow the blog to receive more updates!


  3. Such a great write up Tiffany!! It is very inspiring that you were able to get out of your comfort zone and have a GREAT time in Thailand!!! Stay positive and beautiful!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Hi, love reading the blog. Glad you didn’t let America’s view of beauty stop you. I want to go to Thailand this year to sample the food, but my travel buddy is not feeling it. I’m still going to go solo. Were you solo?


    1. Hi Judette,

      I really appreciate you taking out the time to read the blog! Yes go solo! I was solo part of the way (my cousin was there with me for a couple days) I never really did a solo trip but I was fine. I stayed in a Hostel and went on excursions. Being solo forces you to talk to others or not.


    2. Hi Judette! Thank you so much for reading the blog! Subscribe to the blog by imputing your email, so you will get the lastest updates. I just wrote a new blog article about a cooking class I went to in Thailand. I was solo for a couple days, and a couple days I was with my cousin.


  5. great read! happy belated birthday… I also would like to travel to Thailand… and based off of your blog, it sounds like an amazing trip! What’s your next destination!?

    p.s that suit is everything!!!


    1. Thanks for reading, I appreciate it! Yes you have to go! I can answer questions if you have any regarding Thailand! Thanks I bought the suit at Forever 21! I haven’t decided yet, hopefully I can catch a flight deal, that will determine my next destination..


  6. Great post! I think when you are self confident , it shows in the way you carry yourself. I’m glad you had a good time in Thailand, and it must have been wonderful to see others who looked like you. You are pretty 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for reading, I appreciate it! Yes I was so happy to see those people because every else I looked they didn’t resemble my body shape at all. I was grateful! LOL. Yes I agree confidence is the key and it’s important to wear it well!


    1. Thanks for the birthday wishes! I would love to word abroad, my dream goal. i met a guy from Chicago in Thailand. He went for trip and has not came back from the states, he is currently teaching English as well.


    1. i used to be self conscious about my arms due to stretch marks. One day it was too hot and i discovered they have cute shirts that may require me to show my arms and those thoughts went out the door. I had a wonderful time. Thank you so much!

      Liked by 1 person

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