
God is Intentional

Life has certainly been interesting these last couple months. I’m not sure if you are like me, but there are things that happen in my life that I just don’t understand. Have you ever been praying and wondering if God hears your prayers? Or wondering if he even cares? I mean there are a lot of people in this world, and its only one of him so he must have forgotten about me. Ok, I see you have never felt like that before. Well I can be the first to admit I have questioned God. It’s difficult to continue to pray when you don’t see results. My faith began to waver; I thought why pray it’s no use. I am thankful for people who will pray for me when I can’t pray for myself.

My aunt called me and told me she was thinking about me. Before we got off the phone she said, “Well let’s pray that whatever the outcome will be, God will work it for your good”.

About 5 minutes later I’m listening to the Tye Tribbet Pandora station and a song called “Intentional” by Travis Greene began to play. (Lyrics Below) I began to say God, “I guess you are talking to me”. Tears began to fall from my eyes because I realize that everything I’ve been through is all part of his divine plan. Everything happens for a reason is so cliché but it’s true. Remember that God can minster through song and this song right here ministered to my soul.


All things are working for my good Cos He’s Intentional Never failing I know that all things are working for my good He’s Intentional Never failing

We can smile cause we know it’s working Through the hurt and the pain I know it’s working for my good I know it’s working for my good This what I don’t have to worry cause It’s working for me

Several hours after listening to this song, I was scrolling through Face book and saw the words, “HE’S INTENTIONALLY, STRATEGICALLY, WORKING FOR YOU. I thought wow; this is the third time I’ve received the same message in one day.

The following day I received a bible message in my email inbox with this scripture: “And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose for them.” – Romans 8:28 NLT



At Bright Star C.O.G.I.C during Sunday morning service, I received confirmation that God will work everything out from A-Z. Even when it looks like the prayers are not answered, know that it will work out.

I’m writing this particular post as an encouragement to someone who may be questioning why certain things are happening in their life. Remember that God does not do anything half hazard. Even when we don’t understand what is going on, know that God has a plan for your life and all you have to do is trust him. I’ll leave you with this, “delay does not mean denial”




35 thoughts on “God is Intentional

  1. I’m with You-I sing this song on the way to work as well, even though I don’t “feel it” sometimes- I continue to sing it and internalize it. There is comfort in knowing that He is working behind the scenes even though we might not realize it. I will be praying for You- please pray for me as well. Peace, Dear.


    1. Every since I heard the song, ive been playing it. When the doubts arise I can listen to it again for reassurance that everything will be ok. I don’t feel it at times either, that’s why we cant do things based off our feelings. If that was the case I would never do much of anything.. Thanks for the prayers I appreciate it, I will keep you in my prayers as well!


  2. YES!!! He definitely works it out for our GOOD!!! And in His perfect timing. I love Intentional by Travis Greene…sometimes we need that reminder!! Great Post!!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. It’s always nice to listen to songs that inspire or solidify your faith. Good for you. I have my favorite Christian songs that l like to listen to as well. Everything and everyone has a purpose.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. This is a right on point post! I’ve been going through changes and apologizes to God about my faith wavering sometimes. I trust HIM wholeheartedly but I’m human and sometimes do question if he hears me. I know the answer already but sometimes doubt enters the mind! Thanks for sharing!

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    1. I think as humans its hard not to waver especially if you do not see results. Sometimes I am literally shouting GOD, do you hear him. I think he hears us but answers in his own time, sometimes his response is quick and other times not so much. Thank you so much for reading, hope you were blessed.


  5. I’m a firm believer that when you pay attention, you will see all the signs and messages the universe has for you for your good 🙂


  6. I really appreciate the timing of this post. I also love your last quote, “Delay doesn’t mean denial.” I am going to keep that thought with me the rest of this week!

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  7. Yes, I have heard elders say that God has great plans for us. Sometimes our plans and actions can take us off course. In hind sight I can imagine him having said “child you know not what you ask”. And I thank him for unanswered prayers as well. I imagine that God has to have a great since of humor to deal with all of Thanks for writing this, it’s thought provoking.

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  8. He certainly is. It’s always reassuring when folks call to check on us at just the right time. I’m sure this post is a blessing to more people than you can think of.

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