food · travel

4 Minneapolis Restaurants you must try

I wouldn’t call myself a foodie but I enjoy good food while I’m on vacation. I tried several different restaurants during my short stay in Minnesota. If you ever head to Minneapolis check out these eateries and let me know what you think of them. Hazel Northeast is a great place for breakfast. It is… Continue reading 4 Minneapolis Restaurants you must try

Excursions · Museum · travel

Paisley Park: Chanhassen Minnesota

  Prince Roger Nelson was born in Minneapolis on June 7, 1958-April 21, 2016. He was a producer, singer-songwriter, and multi-instrumentalist. He won numerous awards throughout his life. He won seven Grammy Awards, an American Music Award, a Golden Globe Award and an Academy Award for the film Purple Rain. Paisley Park Studios recently opened… Continue reading Paisley Park: Chanhassen Minnesota


First Passport Stamp in Ghana: Renewing my Passport

I can’t believe how quickly 10 years have passed. I recently dropped off my passport renewal application at LAX Post office located at 9029 Airport Blvd, Los Angeles California. I completed the application online, paid the fee by debit card ($110) for the passport book ($30) passport card, and took my photo there for an… Continue reading First Passport Stamp in Ghana: Renewing my Passport